Montag, 13. April 2015
Poznavao sam Vladu Divljana
Sonntag, 13. März 2011
Zašto volim Beograd (Bog te video)
Uprkos dosadašnjem uspehu, autori filma o fudbalu u Kraljevini Jugoslaviji su se nedavno potrudili oko loše reklame. Time je nažalost zaboravljeno da u filmu nisu odstupali od umetničkih ambicija i da je do sada najveća kontraverza bila minorna rasprava o verodostojnosti života u međuratnom Beogradu prikazanog na velikom platnu. Činjenica da film nisam pogledao je dodatni podsticaj da o potonjoj temi ostavim par bajtova u blogosferi.
Podtekst je dakako širi, jer je srpska kinematografija iznedrila film čija se radnja silom prilika ne odvija u oronuloj socrealističkoj scenografiji i ne nudi teške životne priče ljudi zarobljenih u tranziciji. Iz recenzija sam zaključio da je glavna ideja sabornost (šta god to značilo), a sve u duhu nikad dostignutog ideala sa grba na kome sijaju četiri ocila, da samo sloga Srbina spasava.
Ne čudi me da sam tokom čeprkanja po internetu naišao na komentar da je zabrinjavajuća, čak opasna, potreba da se od dotičnog perioda stvara ideal bolje prošlosti. Posle desetak godina u dijaspori imao bih štošta da kažem u vezi tog diskursa. To je ista škola razmišljanja koja je tokom devedesetih svim sredstvima pokušavala da Srbiju dozove pameti, posle 5. oktobra ubeđivala građane da treba da budu strpljivi jer promene neće doći preko noći, a već izvesan broj godina nas jednostavno zavitlava na putu ka Evropi. Ali time ćemo se pozabaviti u nekom od narednih sastava u kome ću uz praktične primere pojasniti razloge za rodoljublje.
Vratimo se, zato, na temu i pokušajmo da se usredsredimo na bivšu prestonicu SFRJ. U zavisnosti od izvora, njen opis tokom prve polovine dvadesetog veka bi mogao da se nađe bilo gde u rasponu od selendre do velelepne metropole u kojoj se znao neki red dok je vladala monarhija. Zahvaljujući internetu, cenim da je moguće pronaći dokumentaciju koja potvrđuje ili pobija bilo koj tvrdnju na toj skali.
Lično više volim dokaze koje sam mogu da proverim ali zbog vremenske distance i slabog sećanja na priče baba i deda, mogućnosti su ograničene. Tako sam tokom putovanja po Evropi razgledao arhitekturu iz devetnaestog i dvadesetog veka u gradovima koje sam posećivao. S obzirom da su iz centra Beograda uklonjeni kiosci sa pljeskavicama i mešovitom robom, a fasade zgrada po najprometnijim ulicama dovedene u red, arhitektura se pokazala kao dobar etalon.
Ali tek na pariskom groblju Per Lašez (Père Lachaise) sam po prvi put svesno i spontano primenio tehniku benčmarkinga (benchmarking) na okruženje u kome se nalazim. Ona nam u menadžmentu omogućava da uporedimo sopstvene proizvode i procese sa najboljim takmacima iz iste industrije ili uspešnim predstavnicima drugih industrija. Naravno, ne pričam o upoređivanju uređenja večnog prebivališta Džima Morisona sa onima u Aleji velikana na Novom groblju, već o grobnicama zaslužnih i imućnih građana podignutih pre Drugog svetskog rata, gde sam ustanovio zapanjujuće sličnosti u stilu. A kod grobnica vojnika i oficira palih u Prvom svetskom ratu, ove sličnosti su bile još veće.
Nisam hteo da se zadržim na ovoj pomalo turobnoj zabavi i okrenuo se ponovo arhitekturi. U Beču sam pronašao mestašca u centru koja neodoljivo podsećaju neke lokacije u Knez Mihajlovoj ulici i centru grada. Po opštem utisku a verovatno zbog geografske blizine su predratne građevine u Budimpešti bile još sličnije. Istanbul bih ukratko opisao kao Beograd na moru sa puno džamija. Berlin može da se poredi ali ponajviše po sučeljavanju stare i socrealistučke arhitekture na uslovno rečeno ograničenom prostoru.
Dakle, Beograd je grad u kome sam odrastao, u kome se sreću evropska i bliskoistočna tradicija i gde decenije socijalizma nisu uspele da ubiju balkanski šarm. Definitivno je bio metropola u prvoj polovini dvadesetog veka. Jeste da se posle Drugog svetskog rata promenio režim, ali se i svet u međuvremenu promenio, a Beograd ostao metropola.
Dienstag, 20. November 2007
true happiness comes from within
an aspiring actress
asked me
to help fund her independent movie
i thought
she has a better passport than mine
her father runs a successful business
yet she turns to me
for financial help
and it's not the first time
a lady in distress needs my money
funny how they target me
as a man of wealth
it is a nice feeling
but i won't answer the phone today
Jogging in the Woods
Jogging in the woods in the early morning is a wonderful feeling. Especially in the summer when it is pleasantly chilly there. Above all, the wood is all yours at that time of the day. But the anecdote i am about to tell you made me think whether it is always good to be alone there.
I slept badly last night. As if i knew what the new day would bring. I woke up rather early and decided to go jogging and clear my head. It was a bit cold, but the sky looked promising. The day will be sunny. The wood was calm. A squirrel crossed my path. What a wonderful day this will be, i told myself.
Suddenly a doe with a fawn ran between the trees. I was delighted! I scared a Bambi and his mother, ha, ha, ha. This i took as a good sign. As something moved in the bushes i expected to see another Bambi left there in fear. Don’t worry, i thought, i won’t harm you. No, this was smaller. A rabbit, i thought. But the sight that followed i will remember as long as i live. It was not me that scared the animals, i understood in a split of a second.
A pair of black eyes stared at me from the bushes. It was a dwarf! Spitting image of those jolly bearded statues people use to decorate gardens. He even had a small bag on his back. This one was not laughing, though. No, my dear friends, he just stared at me. My legs felt heavy, i stopped for a second. But i was not able to turn my head away from those hypnotizing eyes.
Dwarf’s lips did not move, but i clearly heard a voice. A hissing broken falsetto cursed at me. My ears were flooded with such bad words i don’t even dare repeating. He ordered me to follow him to his cave. My legs were so weak, i could barely move. The voice shouted at me again. I tried to walk, but i lost the equilibrium and fell. Right into those black eyes.
As i came back to my senses i found myself lying on the forest path. Was it real that i saw? Or was i just too weak after last night and fainted while jogging? Not knowing the answer, i ran away in horror. A warm shower helped me to stop trembling and regain my composure.
I went to work hoping no one would notice how i felt.
When Is Today?
The truth lays in the nature
And is closer than it seems
I feel it as I watch
The sun being born from the seas
Observing it from my hideout
In far away hills and valleys
Running naked among the trees
Hiding from the humans
Bowing down before the cliffs
Worshiping the plants
As I try to erase my memories
Or am I just trying to refresh them
Sharing bed with my past
Chasing other people’s dreams
It feels like treading on the patterns
Of strangers’ destinies
Through digital interfaces
That bring a false order
To all distant provinces
Connecting me through neon highways
With other souls yet to be found
Offering endless streams
Of information and promises
Then the sun goes up again
I am reborn into another day
Ready for the avalanches
Of gigabytes of obsolete information
Where I am just a piece of the puzzle
And this dawn is just a detail
In the fractal of the broken skies
I dive again into the digital
Of everything I feel with my six senses
Although there is no proof
The Fly
It has been a lazy afternoon in an
All the guys in the shop were struck as Hans died. One afternoon they evoked the memories of him and funny situations they have been through together. As they laughed a fly has landed on Polish guy’s baseball cap. He raised his hand to scare it, but someone warned him not to do that.
“You never know, this might be Hans in another incarnation”. Polish guy stretched his hand and said: “If you are Hans, land on my palm”. The fly landed exactly in the middle of his palm.
A Tooth
There was this painter i knew who had a problem with alcohol. Besides, he was not sure about his sexuality, which would be annoying for people of both genders when he was drunk. Otherwise he was a nice fellow.
He liked traveling and once he even spent a month in an artist colony in
The artists in the colony were invited to help the restoration of a local church. There were graves of monks around the church, as well, and their remains were moved to another location. As an act of retaliation for having to live without alcohol for a month, the painter took a tooth from one of the skulls as a souvenir. He even wore it on a strap around his neck. A nice big front tooth, i guess “up left one” would be the expression a dentist would use.
The evening he got back to his hometown, the painter went out. His friends wanted to hear the stories from a distant Eastern land. Needless to say, with all that booze calling his name, our painter got really drunk in a party. On the way home he stumbled down the stairs and hit the floor with his head. With his jaw, to be precise. An unpleasant surprise awaited as he got to the first mirror. His “up left one” tooth was missing. Ha!